Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Published April 07, 2021 by with 0 comment

Misuse of technology and social degradation.

Misuse of technology and social degradation.

Misuse of technology and social degradation

 As the life expectancy of the earth increases, the door of huge possibilities is opening in front of us. It is unthinkable that the advancement of science and technology will take us to the end. With one foot and two feet we are crossing each level of civilization. Technology has taught us a lot. Again it has taken away from us morality and values. We do not want to say that the advancement of technology and science is unnecessary for our society. The contribution of information technology in the development of civilization is irreplaceable. But have we ever realized where the inauspicious aspects of technology are taking us down? Of course, neither the inventor nor the inventor is the culprit, we the users are the culprits.

Currently, 42.2 percent of the world's population is directly connected to the Internet. It is estimated that by the end of 2015, about half of the world's population will be connected to the Internet According to the BTRC, the number of internet users in Bangladesh in August 2015 was around 48 million. The number of Facebook users is around three crore. One Facebook account is being opened every 12 seconds which is more than the birth rate in Bangladesh.

Nowadays, our information technology is being attacked by some immature and morally ignorant people. A large part of the crime is organized around these social media. Various social networking sites are now being used as a means of hurting people's emotions and feelings. People who are devoid of values   have made technology their field of enjoyment and comfort. Distortion of information, humiliation of any person in the society personally, satirical presentation of portraits etc. have become a daily routine to spread on social media. Incidents like stealing information and pictures of individuals or organizations and blackmailing are happening all the time. Criminal gangs choose the internet as a secret medium to carry out their criminal activities. Internet users can easily hide their identities by threatening someone, snatching money by trapping in a fake relationship, or spreading scenes of personal intimate moments for revenge on various online sites.

In recent times, there have been more and more incidents related to computer data hacking. This trend is especially noticeable among young people. Young people as well as various mainstream media are also involved in the misuse of personal information in various ways. For example, in February 2012, the so-called hacker group Black Hat Hackers in Bangladesh attacked more than 25,000 websites in India. Among these were important government websites as well as BSF (Border Security Force) websites. Apart from that, the misuse of Facebook is responsible for the violence that spread in Ramu, Cox's Bazar in the same year. An insulting picture of the Holy Quran was published from a fake Facebook account opened with the name of a Buddhist person. As a result of this incident, ordinary Buddhists in the area were subjected to inhuman torture However, it was not possible to verify the authenticity of the film later. The search revealed that the person who published the picture did not exist in reality. It was just a fabrication. Such unforeseen events in society are in fact manifestations of social degradation. Basically, it is possible to spread any misdeed very fast by using not only internet but also other sectors of technology. The effects of satellite TV channels, hand-held video clips spread through smartphones, capturing scenes on hidden cameras, etc. are driving the immorality of the immature children in our society.

Since the invention of technology is not for a specific place or vessel, its misuse can harm any individual and society. Its abuse occurs more or less all over the world Apart from Bangladesh, people in other countries of the world are using the discovery of science in various misdeeds. According to 2013 statistics, Russia and the United States are the top two countries in the world affected by cyber attacks. Interestingly, the production of malware, viruses, MySQL injections, etc., the tools of cyber attack, is comparatively higher in these two countries. Russia accounts for 40 percent of the world's malware. As a result, more than six million Facebook accounts are being hacked every day in the world today. One survey found that 59 percent of employees left their jobs to steal information from the old organization's database. Since people who are skilled in information technology do most of this criminal work, they are very much aware of their privacy and as a result many of them remain out of reach. Especially by knowing the secret number of the credit card, it is possible to get lakhs of rupees from there. It is almost difficult for the authorities to identify the location of those involved. In today's world, it is not possible to identify 7% of stolen money online. It was not returned.

Countless such criminal acts are spreading in different levels of our society. Due to which the rate of financial, social and mental degradation of the citizens of a country is increasing. There is no alternative to raising social awareness about the use of internet and unique technology as a remedy The problem can be alleviated by enforcing and enforcing appropriate laws against cybercrime In addition, adult surveillance and control over underage family members can play an important role After all, the right and appropriate use of scientific discoveries can give us the gift of a beautiful society


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